
The medical sector’s objective difficulty in dealing with the topic of prevention of possible offenses to a third party within the healthcare settings, favored the multiplication of refund’s requests and the consequent judiciary disputes with regards to the healthcare workers. For example, in Italy 28,500 criminal procedures related to medical malpractice have been recorded. (Source ANIA 2015-2016).

Starting from this concept we began a multidisciplinary analysis in order to find a digital solution to an increasing problem connected to medical malpractice. The informed consent is a RISK MANAGEMENT's fundamental element as to the health system. It should be managed with new tools, in order to avoid that the high number of refund’s requests lead to a stalemate of the patient’s assistance service and treatment.

We propose a new multimedia service that validate the informative meeting between the doctor and the patient, in which the risks’ evaluation centers on prevention and on information’s clarity. At the same time, this service allows an easy certification and acquirement of the informed consent, with medico-legal value and subscription’s validation, thanks to the graphometric signature on tablet. All information concerning the e-CIM procedure will be encrypted and won’t be altered.

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